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Use NORBU to Create Beautiful, Useful Mind maps to Learn and Teach Dharma

What if I told you that you can use NORBU ( and another free website to produce colorful and beautiful mind maps such as the above?

Mind maps are useful learning tools, especially in organizing one's thoughts and also to help enhance memory and recall. However, with added color and better visuals, it can become a very useful tool. Dharma learning has never been so creative!

Here is how you can create these wonderful and useful mind maps step by step.

Step 1

Goto NORBU ( and ask a question to generate a mind map.

For example:

"Give me a mind map linking five mental hindrances. Make an outline example in markdown format."

Note: The second line "Make an outline example in markdown format" is important. If you cannot remember it, just copy and paste it into every NORBU question.

Step 2

This is the answer that you will get from NORBU:

Five Mental Hindrances

Sensual Desire (Kāmacchanda)

Craving and clinging to sensual pleasures

Antidote: Mindfulness of impermanence and unattractiveness of the body

Ill Will (Vyāpāda)

Anger, malice, and hatred

Antidote: Meditation on loving-kindness (Metta)

Dullness and Drowsiness (Thīnamiddha)

Heaviness of mind, boredom, sleepiness

Antidote: Reflection on the qualities of the Three Jewels, energy

Restlessness and Worry (Uddhacca-kukkucca)

Agitation, anxiety, and unease

Antidote: Mindfulness and concentration

Doubt (Vicikicchā)

Indecision and lack of confidence

Antidote: Investigation and understanding of the Dharma

Copy the answer generated by NORBU and open your PC or Laptop's Notepad, and paste it there.

Step 3

In your Notepad, add in the symbols in the text as shown below (color in red is used to show emphasis):

# Five Mental Hindrances

## Sensual Desire (Kāmacchanda)

- Craving and clinging to sensual pleasures

- Antidote: Mindfulness of impermanence and unattractiveness of the body

## Ill Will (Vyāpāda)

- Anger, malice, and hatred

- Antidote: Meditation on loving-kindness (Metta)

## Dullness and Drowsiness (Thīnamiddha)

- Heaviness of mind, boredom, sleepiness

- Antidote: Reflection on the qualities of the Three Jewels, energy

## Restlessness and Worry (Uddhacca-kukkucca)

- Agitation, anxiety, and unease

- Antidote: Mindfulness and concentration

Doubt (Vicikicchā)

## Indecision and lack of confidence

- Antidote: Investigation and understanding of the Dharma

The symbols required to be added in are: #, ## and -.

Step 4

and paste what you have edited in Step 3 into the box on the left side (see screenshot below)

Step 5

Once you have pasted in the edited text, VOILA! like magic the mind map is produced!

Step 6

Click on the download symbol (see screenshot above) and save your generated mind map as PNG or JPG file for you to use.


Now you can generate all sorts Buddhist mind maps which for certain will help you to learn and teach Dharma more effectively. Have fun!


I appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to drop me a line.

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